Friday, April 01, 2005

Two Child Family

The Wandering YG returned to us last night, bigger, sassier, and goonier than ever. Apparently she made friends everywhere (the flight attendents, and the guy who sat next to her on the flight back, both stopped me to comment on what a peach she is) and had a fabulous time. She has been duly scrinched and cuddled, and we're off to go hiking with the cousins today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mom. I think your article is great. I'm still not fab about having everyone know that I cried at "It's a Wonderful Life" move. Can you write a blog about me one of these days? This is kinda like e-mailing, but other people can read it.
Well, goodbye for now!!!!!!!
Emphatic Girl
(P.S.Can we have cube
stake for dinner?)

1:00 PM  

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