Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Seen on Shelves

Finally, I have found Point of Honour on bookstore shelves out here! Imagine The Author doing a little capering dance of auctorial glee.

They have shelved it in Romance, which dismays me--I understand why, but to me (I'm only the author, after all) these books are not romances no matter how much they partake of the English Regency, and they do. They might better be labeled as that standby of my youth, "romantic suspense." I would have said mystery, me; I spend a lot of time and brain effort making them into mystery. The spine says "fiction" so it's not like that's a pointer. Still, I suspect that Borders has the book shelved in Romance because that's where they believe it's going to sell. And the point, from their point of view (and the distributor's and the publisher's) is sales, for which I cannot blame them.

Meanwhile, I have a short story rattling around in my brain which is not quite ready to come out and declare itself. I wish it would. It would be nice to finish it and send it away to find a home before I head off to Scotland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still haven't seen Point of Honor on a shelf yet - I finally bought it on Amazon after two years of "If you liked that, you should really read..." It drove me bonkers.
Good news though - my library got Petty Treason before I even had the chance to ask!

10:15 PM  
Blogger Madeleine Robins said...

What a fine library! All libraries should, of course, buy my books. And the books of other fine writers.

It's hard to explain the jolt of excitement I get when I happen unawares upon a book of mine at a bookstore. Way back in 1977 when my first book was published, I chanced upon it at Lechmere, a big department store (like Sears, not like Neiman Marcus) in Boston. I had been looking for socks or an iron or something like that, but I cannot pass by a book shelf without seeing what they have, and there was my first book, sitting on the shelf, just waiting for someone to pick it up and take it home and (God Willing) love it. It's rather like meeting your child for the first time, except that the space between labor and delivery and encounter is significantly greater.

9:17 AM  

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